EP/Produced By Judy Kim & Co-Produced by Diana Kyle
Why did you make this movie?
Judy: We read the screenplay for SCREECH and thought it was hilarious. So … we quit our jobs at Warner Bros. and made the movie!
Diana: I am a HUGE Ed Wood, Jr. fan. He was billed as "the worst director in Hollywood." Our aim was to surpass him and I think we did that. More than an homage to him, it WAS Ed Wood. We did him proud!
What is your favorite scene from the film?
Judy: Definitely the biker chick fight. It’s a classic.
Diana: The biker chick scene. Of course, I was in it, so I'm partial. I wish we had gotten more footage of them since audiences loved them. But in true Ed Wood fashion...it was one take and move on!
What is unique about this film?
Judy: As an homage to the old B-movies of the 50’s and 60’s, we played with continuity throughout the film. Audiences get into a “Where’s Waldo” type of game, and it’s funny to compare continuity notes with your friends. We do apologize to our script supervisor in the end credits.
Diana: It was our first production, and a SAG feature at that. We were able to apply what we had learned at Warner Bros, on a much smaller scale, so we were ahead of the game.
Does the Sock Monkey play an important role in the film?
Judy: The crew began putting the Sock Monkey into scenes and then we began to have fun with it. But there is one scene where the Sock Monkey was banned – you’ll have to watch it and see!
Diana: What sock monkey?
What advice do you have for other indie filmmakers after making this movie?
Judy: Learn about distribution before you make a film!
Diana: Agreed. And don't go to film school! Take that money and make your own movie. It's very detailed work but if you're organized with a decent crew, you can do it. And do NOT cut corners on sound! We had a great sound guy and didnt have to spend any time trying to fix an expensive mess. Things can't always be "fixed in post".
Any last word for your fans?
Judy: Watch with friends and don’t be afraid to laugh out loud!
Diana: If you dont "get it"...that's ok...just enjoy the girls in bikinis, the hot male lead, werewolves, bad sfx, drink a lot and come back and see it again!
We’d like to thank our crew who hung in there throughout, and our fabulous CAST:
Shannon Noelle Garrigus, Brittany Petros, the fabulous Gilles Marini, Willam Belli (recently seen as the blonde trannie in A STAR IS BORN), Monica Gonzales, Harry Hart Browne, my co-producer, Diana Kyle, and the incredible, and unsurpassable DEBBIE ROCHON as Queen Macuzita.
Diana: I couldn't have done it without Judy Kim. She is still my partner in crime! Other cinematic jewels to come!
SCREECH goes extremely well with cocktails, and if you watch the film, email us afterwards with your favorite character and we will send you a drink recipe named for that character.